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Mother and Baby

Baby Yoga


Baby yoga helps to attune to your baby’s needs and to calm or stimulate them as appropriate with a sense of security and wellbeing.

It is beneficial for all babies, you don’t need to practice yoga or even know anything about yoga to get started with your baby.

From Birth, babies respond positively to the stimulation of movement and touch together.

Baby Yoga includes a wide range of different practices that can be combined to suit the needs of each baby through their individual development, these are as follows:

• Gentle body strokes

• Yoga moves adapted to babies (mini twists, mini stretches, upper and lower body movements, diagonal movements) These moves have been transmitted though generations in India for at least 2000 years

• A blend of postnatal yoga and baby yoga for new mothers

• Playful moves with rhymes

• Joint parent/baby relaxation (walking relaxation, instant relaxation, relaxation to sleep, feeding relaxation)

• Transitional practices (head control, sitting, crawling, standing, early steps, first jumps and balances)

Baby yoga offers quality physical stimulation that has become essential in an urban sedentary lifestyle. For every hour that babies spend strapped in cars seats or home seats, 5 minutes of Baby Yoga provide stretching as a start to a healthy lifestyle.

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